General Dentistry

Crowns and Bridges

Crowns are protective coverings that can be used to enhance the appearance and function of lost or damaged teeth. Bridges can be used to replace several missing teeth in a row.

Regular Checkups

Regular dental examinations and professional cleanings are essential to maintaining oral health. Our office recommends dental cleanings and routine checkups for all our patients at least twice a year.

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are restorative treatments that are used for teeth with mild to moderate decay. They are also known as indirect fillings.


Dental sealants are a form of preventive treatment used to prevent decay in the back teeth.


Dentures are custom replacements for missing teeth. By replacing lost teeth, dentures prevent sagging of the facial muscles and also help you speak and eat easily. At West SoHo Dentistry, we provide comfortable traditional dentures. A regular denture rests on the gums and is removable.

Tooth-Colored Fillings (composite fillings)

Dental fillings are used for restoration of teeth that have been damaged by cavities and decay. Our office offers tooth-colored fillings that are an aesthetically pleasing and safe way of restoring the health and beauty of your smile. These can also be used to replace your existing silver fillings.